Backspin serve


harish vempa
harish vempa Asked 11 years ago

Coach my brother is good at back spin serve.  I couldn't able to recieve it.  When i was trying to flick ball is moving back,if i push the ball it's becoming a good oppurtunity to my brother to flick or topspin it. So.what to do coach.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Harish,

If the ball only bounces once on your side then you should work on your topspin stroke.  Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Topspin Off Backspin.  If it is short on your side, then work on pushing it back short to him so that he can't attack it or push it to a difficult position for him, like to his backhand side.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Receiving Options

There are 3 main strokes you can play when returning serve, a push, a flick and a topspin. We discuss these options in detail.

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