Ball crosses the edge of the table


noel laudato
noel laudato Asked 11 years ago

Hi coach,

Is it legal to catch the ball with my hand or hit it with my bat after my opponent hits it and then crosses the edge of my table?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Noel,

Yes this is allowed.  Once the ball goes past the table it is out of play so you can catch it or even hit it with your bat.  The point is still yours because the ball has already gone out.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Doubles Serving Rules

In this video we go over the somewhat complicated rules of serving for doubles in table tennis. There are a couple of extra rules for doubles that you don't apply to singles. In doubles you always serve from the right hand box diagonally to your opponent's right hand box. Each player has 2 serves each. If you've just been receiving then it's your turn to serve next.

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Thoughts on this question

noel laudato

noel laudato Posted 11 years ago

Thanks coach for the answer.My son just had an experience of once catching a ball past his table and his opponent was awarded with the point.another question,is it legal to accidentally bump the table after a service was made?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

You can touch the table with any part of your body except your free hand.  However if you move the table surface you lose the point.

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