ball height


Alec Salisbury Unknown
Alec Salisbury Unknown Asked 15 years ago

What is the reccomended height that i should throw my ball up when i am serving to get the most amount of spin?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Alec,

Experiment for yourself.  The higher you throw the ball the faster it will be travelling when it hits your bat.  This should mean you can generate more spin.

You need to find a height that is comfortable for you.  Remember it has to go up at least 16cm from your hand but it can go as high as you want as long as it doesn't touch anything.

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Playing as a Tall Player

If you have the gift of height then you'll want to watch this video to learn how you can use your height to your advantage and how you can minimise some of the disadvantages associated with being so tall in table tennis.

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