Ball height while chopping


MD SHAKEB Asked 8 years ago

I have a problem that when ever I try to cut or chop the ball it goes with high trajectory at other side of the table which help opponent to hit the shot easily, I am trying to improve it but facing difficult especially when playing doubles match due to which my pattern irritate a lot and i lose my confidence and started playing more worst. Please help me 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago


Try to get a finer contact on the ball.  This will keep the ball lower and it will also get more spin on the ball.

Chopping is a lt about touch and feel of the ball.  A high change in the angle of your racket will make a big difference in the height of the ball.

Also make sure you are keeping your hand relaxed, especially your thumb to allow the bat to absorb some of the speed and spin of your opponent.

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Thoughts on this question


MD SHAKEB Posted 8 years ago

Thank a lot Sir, I will follow your instruction and if i have any more query I WILL CONTACT YOU. THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

No problems.

Johan B

Johan B Posted 8 years ago

The thumb? I guess that's for a backhand chop?


D K Posted 8 years ago

It can be applied for forehand chop too...It is only about being relaxed.


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