Ball toss


Bryan Lee
Bryan Lee Asked 8 years ago

Hello again 

My question is about the ball toss. Is there a rule to how high I can toss the ball also am I allowed to move around when I do a high toss eg I started in pendulum but then swap positions into a tomahawk or backhand serve.

thanks so much!

P.s I recently bought the pingskills rook and I'm lovin it. I'm thinking about getting the pingskills touch in about a years time. You all are an excellent group of people!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Bryan,

Thank you for your very kind words.  We love doing what we do.

You are allowed to toss the ball as high as you want as long as it doesn't hit anything.  You are allowed to change positions while the ball is in the air as well.  Sounds like you are scheming something...

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Thoughts on this question

Bryan Lee

Bryan Lee Posted 8 years ago

Haha yes thank you. I plan on moving to try and put off my opponent 

Johan B

Johan B Posted 8 years ago


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