Ban on Long Pimples Rubbers


Bernie Kuiper Unknown
Bernie Kuiper Unknown Asked 17 years ago

I am playing with a Dr Neubauer Scalpel and these have been declared illegal after June 08.

What is the nearest allowable equivalent rubber I can use now that I am used to this particular one.

Also could you let me know the price in red colour.

Thanking you and looking forward to your reply

Bernie Kuiper

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 17 years ago

Hi Bernie,

Not being a long pimpled player myself, I have asked around and found out that there is not really going to be an equivalent rubber. The ban is on any pimpled rubber which does not meet a minimum friction test. So whatever pimples you switch to, you will notice the difference. 

Once you switch, you will need to make some modifications to your shots to cater for the opponents spin as it will now grip a little more on your rubber. Whatever new pimples you choose, they will probably have more spring and you will need to have a bit more control to perform an effective drop shot.

However one advantage is that no-spin balls should be easier to control since you can impart some spin (due to the extra friction on your rubber) and hence get a little bit of backspin to keep the ball low. Also some people have found attacking a bit easier with the extra friction as it allows them to get some grip when lifting the ball.

It seems that players who stay close to the table and block with the long pimples will notice the difference the most and have to make more modifications to their shots. If you are a defender who chops more, then you might find you like your new choice of pimples better.

Good luck with finding a replacement. Let us know what rubber you finally choose and how it affects your game.

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Thoughts on this question

Fred Unknown

Fred Unknown Posted 16 years ago

Hey, my friend uses TSP curl p1-r camed to be one of the best lps out there, it has a great spin reversal effect (probably not as good as anti though) and they are still legal, I'd give them a show if I was you

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