Basic Position


Hazard z
Hazard z Asked 13 years ago

Whenever i play table tennis, i find it confusing whether i should squat while playing table tennis or should i just open my feet wide?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Khang,

Your basic ready position is a combination of squatting and having your legs quite wide.

So you need to have your legs bent and also wide.  The legs need to be bent so that you can push off with them.  You need to have a wide stance to have good balance and stability in your sideways movement.

Take a look at our lesson on the Ready Position.  This will show you what we are talking about. 

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There are 3 basic areas to focus on when learning a stroke: 1) The position of your feet. 2) The starting position of your bat. 3) The finishing position of your bat. Of all these 3 elements the finish position is the most critical. Watch this video to find out why.

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