Hi Coach(s)
I am a beginner and have just bought my first serious bat. Butterfly Petr Korbel with Sriver 1.7 and 1.9.
I play about 1 hour per day on average at work with intermediate or above skilled players who help me out a bit and have been told that my technique is quite good and can execute most of the basic strokes. (though when using the crappy worn out pre-made bats at work I struggle with following some of your videos).
However I have bought my bat with a flared handle, and have just noticed that when i hold a flared handle i tend to put my thumb on the FH rubber, as well as pointing my forefinger up on a 25 degree ish angle on the BH rubber. On the straight handles I grip it with the more textbook looking shakehand without my fingers on the rubbers.
My question is, is this a bad habit to get into? Should I try to train myself into holding the flared handle bat in the proper looking shakehand grip, or the the way I hold it that feels more natural?
Thanks. (and sorry for the essay)
Hi Ashley,
No problems about the essay. It is always good to hear about our readers Table Tennis.
To answer your question, you should keep reminding yourself to correct your grip. The other way will restrict your wrist and not allow you to develop your strokes properly.
Try to play with your bat as much as possible. It sounds like the work bats are not doing your game any favours and may develop bad habits.
Good luck with it all.
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Ashley Wilson Posted 14 years ago
I have been playing with the new bat for about a week now and have notived that the flared handle isn't as wide as the others I have used so I hold it peoperly. ^_^
My game has also been greatly improving since I got the bat, with a little coaching from the fellows at work, and I'm now about to start playing a season at my local club.
Thanks again!