Hi Alois and Jeff, congrats on doing such a brilliant job with your site, I'm enjoying your explanations very much! My question: Being not a terribly strong guy, I've always preferred blades on the lighter side. Recently I switched to one which weighs only 5 grams less than the one I used before, and the difference is really remarkable (total now: 152 gr; playing style: chopping with topspin attack). I can't be sure yet which to prefer, the extremely light or the medium one. In any case I think that bat weight is quite an important point, so what's your view on this?
Hi Andrej,
I think the feel of the bat is important. If the bat feels comfortable in your hand and when swinging then you will feel more comfortable playing your shots. The weight is a factor here. However, try not to change too much now if you have felt something that is good for you.
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