Bats and Rubbers


Neil Perry
Neil Perry Asked 7 months ago

Hi there Ping Skills.

Firstly, I love watching your videos. They have helped me quite a lot.

My question is that, in some of your videos, you talked about one bat, the PingSkills Touch and three different rubbers. When I go into the store, I can only find the 1 bat and two rubbers. You don't list the Vega Pro. Is there a reason for this? ie You can no longer obtain that rubber. 

I am interested in purchasing the Touch with the Vega Pro rubber and would like to know the costs please.

Kind regards


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 months ago

Hi Neil,

Thank you for your kind words and support! I'm glad to hear that our videos have been helpful to you.

Regarding the PingSkills Touch bat and the Vega Pro rubber, we can't get that rubber through our regular supplier any longer.  We offer the Rakza 7 rubber as an alternative.

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