Beat a troll


Mikey Silverio
Mikey Silverio Asked 11 years ago

Hi. I can't beat this player who isn't necessarily a troll, he just has amazing feeling and control. He takes my loops like Kenta Matsudaira. He blocks it and puts a little downward movement. It's not a chop as he is diffusing my topspin but the ball is low and he uses my small stature to stretch me, then make an attack or until I make a mistake. How can I beat him? When he does chop it, I try to push it back but then he goes for the attack as he is close to the table.

Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Mikey,

I have never played a Troll but I will try to help anyway!

It sounds like he is using long pimples on his backhand.  The less spin and speed you give him there the easier the next ball will be for you.  If he is using long pimples then the pimple reverses the spin so the more topspin you put the more backspin will come back.  If you push the ball to the backhand it will come back with some topspin.  Then you will have an opportuinty to attack that next ball.

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Thoughts on this question

Mikey Silverio

Mikey Silverio Posted 11 years ago

Thanks! I will try to vary the speed and amount of topspin. However I will have to prepare for an attack if I push a chop. And he does use a rubber that doesn't produce a lot of spin and takes spins very well. This probably contributes to his touch.

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 11 years ago

what is troll, anyway? sorry.... @.@

Mikey Silverio

Mikey Silverio Posted 11 years ago

Trolling is behavior that is meant to intentionally anger or frustrate someone else in order to provoke a response. The person is the troll. Sorry it's internet slang.

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 11 years ago

Haha, alright, I think I get the point. I've read this "troll" terms somewhere else for a couple of times, but I never really know what it means. Thanks for your explaination :)

Mikey Silverio

Mikey Silverio Posted 11 years ago

Your welcome. I was also referring to the match where Kenta faced Xu Xin in the 2013 wttc.

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