Beat my friend


Atul Awesome
Atul Awesome Asked 6 years ago

My friend is a very good left hand attacker his forehand smash is massive and I have no return to his smash he wins the matches by his smashes.  He also hits smash from where he should hit backhand.  His backhand is weak.  How can I defeat him?


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Atul,

Firstly it sounds like you need to get him to play some backhands.  If you can keep the ball low then that will help.  Also try to keep the ball shot ton the table near the net.  This makes it more difficult for him to attack with a smash.  If you place the ball wide to the forehand corner first this will expose his backhand side more easily.

We also have a tutorial in our Basic Tactics section on I Can't Return That Smash! that will help you wiht this strategy as well.



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