Beat the opponent


King the Kong Unknown
King the Kong Unknown Asked 15 years ago

I just play ping-pong for 3 months and I want to go for the school cup.. but the first round i'm versus the middle school best player.. well she just good at smashing.. n thats what i'm afraid of.. when she serves the ball curves and when i reverse it it bounce out of the table.. and I don't want to reverse the ball too high like top spin otherwise she'll sure to smash it.. what should i do.. and i'm not good at smashing,.

I want to win!!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago


Look at two things. Firstly think about keeping the ball as low over the net as you can.  Secondly try to place the ball well on the table to keep it away from her strong smash.  Look to place the ball well.  Youo want to stay away from the danger zones and perhaps keep it more on her backhand side and make her move to be able to get her smash.

One of the keys to returning spin serves is to keep your hand nice and relaxed.  Easier said than done when you are in an important match.  That is why we need to practice this skill a lot.

Good luck with your match.  Try to learn for it so that next time you may be more confident to return her serves.  Carefully watch where each of your returns goes, even if they are missing the table.

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