Before Tournament preparation


Pronit Roy Chowdhury
Pronit Roy Chowdhury Asked 13 years ago

What should i do before a tournament sir? How will i prepare myself mentally and physically. Thanks in advance sir    

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Pronit,

Take a look at our Blog on What to Expect at a Tournament.  This will start to show you some things to think about.

The main thing with preparing yourself mentally is to think about remaining calm during matches.  You will not need to get yourself too hyped up as you will do this naturally anyway because you will be a little anxious about the tournament.  It is more about remaining relaxed enough to perform like you do during your practice.

Physically you should start your preparation a long time out from the tournament.  However just before the tournament you need to make sure you are rested.  Sometimes tournament take a long time and you may have to play several matches during the day.  Think also about your food intake for the day.  Be well prepared with what you take to the hall.  Have lots of healthy snacks that you can nibble on during the day. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#52 - Tournament Preparation 8

During your last session before the tournament we throw away the usual training structure and spend 60 minutes of our session just playing games. It's the best way to prepare for your tournament.

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Thoughts on this question

Pronit Roy Chowdhury

Pronit Roy Chowdhury Posted 13 years ago

Thanks sir

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
Happy to be able to help.

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