Which brand do you think is better, Butterfly or Joola. I have lessons on table tennis and the coach recommended a JOOLA paddle called JOOLA Rosskopf Smash racket. Its $64.95. But the Butterfly Firehand paddle is also about that price. The JOOLA paddle speed is 85 the control is 85 and the spin is 90. the Butterfly Firehands speed is 95 control is 80 and the spin is 85. What do you prefer?
Hi William,
I don't know these two bats but they are probably fairly similar.
The racket that we would recommend is the PingSkills Rook which is also just $65. We think that the rubber on the Rook is really good and the racket is an ideal racket as a first racket for players that will last you through a few levels of development.
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Dan Williams Posted 12 years ago
The Joola racket would be more balanced so probably better for a beginner.