Better Topspin


Byron Polinga
Byron Polinga Asked 12 years ago

When I do a topspin my opponent is smashing it easily and I'm not in the position to counter it, what will I do?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Byron,

With the topspin try to keep the ball lower.  Don't alter your stroke but just alter the angle of your bat.  Turn your bat forward so that the ball goes lower.

Then think about your placement of the ball.  If you can keep it on your opponents weaker side, which is usually their backhand side they will find it more difficult to smash the ball.

Next to recover fast try to make sure your stroke is efficient..  Don't make it too long.  And think about remaining balanced during your stroke.

There are a few things to work on there but spend some time and go slowly and you will start to get better results with your topspin.  It is one of the most important strokes in Table Tenis so it is worth spending some time on.

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Thoughts on this question

Byron Polinga

Byron Polinga Posted 12 years ago

The ball is going up because I countered the long underspin, what should I do to counter backspin with topspin but the ball is still low?


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Byron,

Just do the same stroke but change the angle of your bat more forward.  Give it a try.

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