BH rubber


Jared Peterson
Jared Peterson Asked 9 years ago

I am a balanced/offensive player looking for the best BH rubber for a reasonable price($60 or under). I struggle with opening up with my BH and feel i would really need something that makes that easier. I don't care so much about speed as i do control and heavy spin. Any suggestions?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Jared,

I don’t have any specific suggestions.  Perhaps some of our readers will be able to help out.

The rubbers we recommend in progression are Mark V to start with and then Rakza 7.  What are you using at the moment?

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Make sure you buy a table tennis bat that is suitable for your level and allows you to develop your technique. For your first bat we recommend the PingSkills Rook, and when you upgrade to a custom bat we recommend the PingSkills Touch with Mark V or Rakza 7.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 9 years ago

Good question

The blade can also be important if you are using some super-fast blade that you cannot control


D K Posted 9 years ago

I have been using Rakza7 almost all the time and I can really recommend

Jared Peterson

Jared Peterson Posted 9 years ago

My blade is the Butterfly primorac and my current backhand rubber is the butterfly g666. Does the Rakza7 get strong spin?


D K Posted 9 years ago

In my opinion,yes it does.

I have used it since I got my first custom bat.

It was so spinny and strong that I was completely unable to control it

But at that time,I was a complete amateur,merely able to hold a bat properly.

Now I am a classical defender apprentice and to maintain some offensive capabilities,I am still using the Rakza7soft on my forehand and it generates quite powerful pin despite the rubber being 2 years played


D K Posted 9 years ago

Primorac...Which one?

Jared Peterson

Jared Peterson Posted 9 years ago

Im using the Primorac FL. Its my friend who got me into table tennis old blade and rubbers it currently has butterfly g666 on forehand and some friendship rubber i don't know which on the back hand. Ive been using it for a while and feel its time for an upgrade on the rubbers , I'm very happy with the blade. Im highly considering the Rakza7 on the BH like you've suggested and saw some reviews on the aNDRO RASANT GRIP and thought they fit my play style . would you suggest the normal rakza or the soft


D K Posted 9 years ago

If it is an old bat,the blade should be ok,but the rubbers need change.

I myself am playing with two years old rakza and it starts to feel like an antispin.

Andro rasant grip is,according to the ratings,the most spinny rubber,it can be good,but I cannot give any opinion,I have never seen it or played with it.


Normal or depends on your style and how do you yourself feel it.
I have not seen you play,so I can hardly give advices.
Maybe Alois as a much more experienced player can give better advices

Chris Chin

Chris Chin Posted 9 years ago

For backhand Rakza 7 is really balanced. I'm using it on a Xiom Zetro Quad Blade and it's really controllable. Not too fast at all speed is just what you put into the shot. You can generate just as much spin with it as the Tenergy Series IMO. I use Hurricane 3 Neo for fh and Rakza 7 on backhand.

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