Blade sealing


Anibal Jose
Anibal Jose Asked 14 years ago

Hi guys, I have enjoyed your youtube table tennis skill videos, I have seen them all many times and they have helped me a lot in my game. My question to u is, does sealing my blade with varnish enhance the performance in any way, or is it just to protect it? and is it really necessary or not?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Anibal,

Sealing the blade is done to protect it rather than for any enhancing effect. If you are replacing your rubbers frequently (which players used to do more often before speed glue was banned) then without varnish you can accidentally pull off some of the wood on the blade.

It is not necessary to varnish your blade but it is common and it will help to protect your blade. The only problem is that the varnish can make it a little more difficult to stick your rubbers on to the blade. That is why I didn't always varnish my blades but due to this after some time it did need replacing because of the damage caused when taking rubbers off.

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Thoughts on this question

Anibal Jose

Anibal Jose Posted 14 years ago

Thanks allot, ill take it into consideration with my new blade. because i did end up damaging my old carbon blade due to the constant re-gluing of my rubber. Thanks again for the help

Dennis Manaug

Dennis Manaug Posted 14 years ago

hi mr. jeff.. if I may ask, what kind of blade varnish did you use? I also had a new blade and considering to varnish it as i am really careful with my blade. Another thing, is blade sealing advisable to all types of blades? especially those made by butterfly.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 14 years ago

Hi Dennis,

I haven't put varnish on my blade for many many years. I think that it is less important now that speed glue is not being used. When speed glue was around, people would take their rubbers off and re-glue them every time they played. This means there was a lot of opportunity for damaging your rubber. Now if people only replace their rubbers when they wear out, you are not exposing your blade to as much risk. I actually stopped varnishing because I found that sometimes the varnish made it difficult to ensure the rubbers were properly stuck to the blade.

When I did varnish I can't remember what I used. I think it was just something from the hardware store.

What are other people doing now? Are you varnishing your blade? If so what are you using? 

Leslie Yin

Leslie Yin Posted 14 years ago

I varnish all my blades with polyurethane. Only a thin layer is required as I minimise any changes it may do to the blade's characteristics. I regularly change my rubbers every 4-6 months and have heard people ripping out wood out of their blades when taking the rubber off. Even with the varnish, I peel my rubbers off very carefully. 

Alec Orrell

Alec Orrell Posted 12 years ago

Thanks as always, guys, for the opportunity to discuss such questions.

i work part time in a TT pro shop changing rubbers for people, selling many different brands of blades, sealing, repairing, and observing over time. I have a background in fine woods, glues, and sealants, so this is something i have looked at closely and have more-than-average experience in.

i almost always seal my blades, because i don't like to risk damage. The new non-VOC glues are water based, and wood--particularly solfter wood like limba--doesn't do well with water put on it. Small splinters come up when the water hits the blade, and when i peel the rubber off, splinters and even chunks of the delicate top ply tear away. The damage is always worse the second and third time. There is never a fourth: the blade is destroyed by then.

And brand is no guide in my experience. I replaced the rubber on a Butterfly Timo Boll OFF- two days ago. Butterfly blades, particularly the more expensive ones, often don't seem to require sealing. Many of them have koto top plies, which is harder and less water sensitive, and Butterfly blades are really well pressed and glued together, as well as carefully sanded at the factory to avoid protruding splinters. This particular Boll OFF- was having its second set of rubber attached, and when i took off the first set, it ripped shreds off the top ply. I doubt it will survive the second rubbers being removed. I have seen this more than a few times with all sorts of brands, particularly the mid-priced blades.

I personally use a Stiga Clipper Classic ($50).  In my opinion, one would have to be insane not to seal Stigas. They are fantastic blades and very reasonable for the quality you get; but they come rough from the factory, and their top plies react badly to the water. Try and experiment and see: feel the blade out of the box, how smooth it is. Now run a lightly damp paper towel over the surface, leave it for two minutes and feel it again. if your experience is anything like mine, you will feel splinters that weren't obvious before now protruding. so i LIGHTLY sand them down with a fine grit sandpaper (120 grit or finer), then apply a light urethane sealant to it. For most blades, one coat seems to do it. On my Stigas, i use two light coats. To the naked eye, you can't tell anything has been applied, and i don't detect any change in the playing characteristics (i have tested, using a blade, sealing it, then using it again. Felt identical.) 

the sealants from Donic, Tibhar, etc., seem very heavy to me, more like varnish. They add weight and another layer to the blade's plies. The same goes for the varnish jobs i have seen done by the major equipment catalogs that offer blade sealing for a small fee. That is why i prefer light polyurethane finishes. I personally use a product called Rejuvenate Professional Urethane-based Wood Floor Restorer (available on, among other places). I am confident other polyurethane sealers would be as good. Tell the employee at the hardware store what you are doing, that you need a light urethane sealer for a bat made of delicate wood veneers, and you don't want anything heavy, just to seal and protect,not to varnish.  They should be able to help you find your local version of what i use.

Does it make gluing harder? Absolutely. The sealant blocks the glue from soaking into the top ply--as it is supposed to. The downside is, then the glue doesn't grab the wood as well on light contact. If i am gluing a blade that has been sealed, i do it differently from what the glue instructions say, particularly if it is a blade i have sealed with two light coats. I do what is sometimes called "wet gluing": i apply a thin layer of water-based rubber glue to the blade surface and back of the rubber as usual. But rather than waiting for the glue to dry to clear, i let it dry only a short time, so that it isn't watery, but not yet firm either, the consistency of rubber cement just out of the bottle. I roll the rubber on the blade, then immediately put it in a click press or under a foot-high stack of books. I leave it for 30 minutes, then pull it out, cut the rubber, and do the same to the other side. Then i put the blade under the foot-stack of books for a few hours, or overnight, just to be sure. The pressing forces the still-soft glue down into the crevices of the sealed wood. The result is rubber that is firmly stuck to the blade, more so than if i hadn't sealed it at all. It's more trouble certainly, but it saves my blade and gives me a GREAT glue job, so i don't mind. 

A caveat: wet gluing is a terrible idea if the blade is NOT sealed. You will trap the water from the still-wet glue against the blade, and the top ply will be damaged. 

Hope my experience on this is useful to you guys!

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Alec,

Thanks for your experiences.  They make very interesting reading.

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 12 years ago

Sorry, i'm very newbie about the equipment especially like this one first, why we should replace rubber routinely ? (i know this's when speed glue hasn't banned, but if it's banned, why we should still replace it ?) what is varnish and what it looks like ? Is it like a glue and rub it on the blade or what ? And how it can protect the rubber ?

Rene van der Kleij

Rene van der Kleij Posted 12 years ago

I'm using water based acrylic spay varnish, the one used for sealing/protecting paintings, any experience with that product ?

Scott Ward

Scott Ward Posted 8 years ago

Hey Alois,

My blade is cracked and need to know how to fix it.  Its the part if you were to go up the handle to the blade where it curves out to the blade its where that curve is.  Can you help me?

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