Blocking a smash close to the table.


muhammad faakhir
muhammad faakhir Asked 7 years ago

hey, i have some problems about returning a smash because i play in the basement and there is not much room so could you teach me how to return it close to the table

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi Muhammad,

Your best option is to stop your opponent from smashing in the first place by keeping the ball low. If they do hit the ball faster and you are close to the table your best option is to try and block the ball.

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Thoughts on this question

muhammad faakhir

muhammad faakhir Posted 7 years ago

What angle if the bat is best to with both backhand and forehand and does the verted or inverted rubber effect on the block


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hi Muhammad,

Have a vertical bat at the start of the stroke to give you the best chance to hit the ball.  With pimples you can open up the angle slightly more.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hi Muhammad,

We'd love to make a video for every question we get asked but we simply don't have the time. We have been asked over 10,000 questions on the site! We do however make a lot of video responses to questions and you can find them in the tutorials section. A lot of the time they will be under a FAQ section.

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