Blocking against speed


luqman prop
luqman prop Asked 14 years ago

1)sir, i got a tibhar phantom xpress rubber, is it good for defensive player or not?

2)how to be more effective in blocking as i always more threw the ball out of table when i got very fast smash or spin from my opponent..


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Luqman,

When blocking if the ball is going off the table think about either softening your hand or changing the angle of your bat over the ball a little more to keep the ball down.  You don't need too much forward motion if the ball is coming to you fast or with a lot of spin.  Allow the speed of the ball to take the ball back.  You just need to angle the bat correctly to get it to go back where you want. 

I don't know about Phantom Xpress at all.  Perhaps our readers can help.


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