Blocking topspin during practice


Marcin Lonak
Marcin Lonak Asked 8 years ago

Hello Alois & Jeff,

I have a training partner who is quite strong physically but lacks coordination and consistency. when i do the blocking during topspin to block, i have a hard time to adjust for his very varying strokes. So far its great, cause i have to stay alert on every ball. My problem is, quite often, he is hitting very strong but flat. How to Block it? I feel that everytime i close the bat the ball lands in the net but just the little opening and it goes out. it feels as if there is no tilt right.  in the game i would probably look to go a step back, but in the practice i actually want to stay close to the table. please help. Does an active block helps there with a short brushing action? or should i make really soft hands?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Marcin,

A little topspin on the block will help here.  It will give you that small margin for error that you need.

You can also try slowing down the ball with softer hands and just giving the ball a little more air over the net.  The soft hands will help with this.

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Thoughts on this question

Marcin Lonak

Marcin Lonak Posted 8 years ago

This was very helpful. I tried the little topspin variant today. It worked great. i got this ball quite often back. Only problem- My return was so fast, that the guy on the other side of the table couldnt react. But eventually he started to slow down;)


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Well done.  It can be quite effective if you keep it simple.

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