Bluefire rubber


Izzy H
Izzy H Asked 12 years ago


I'm going to buy 2 new rubbers tomorrow I read something about the bluefire rubbers. Do you have some experience with this rubber?

At the moment I'm using sriver el on my backhand but I've had this rubber for quite some time and I want more power/speed.

On my forehand I'm using Buttetfly catapult and I like this rubber.

I play quite quick but with my forehand I play most of the time with topspin and seniors keep telling me that I'm almost smashing as hard as they do. I use my backhand to open on low short balls en to block, place and just keep the rally going, not really to smash. But i also want to be able to push the ball and keep it low.

Woud you recommend the donic bluefire M1/2/3 for my forehand? Or another rubber. And what rubber on my backhand?

Thank you! (:

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Izzy,

I haven't used the rubber.  Others will be able to help.

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Thoughts on this question

John Meyer

John Meyer Posted 12 years ago

i wold place the m1 on both back and forehand b/c they are rated 107 speed 107 spin and they have good control

Debo :

Debo : Posted 12 years ago

Try Donic Coppa JO Gold.


Orr Margalit

Orr Margalit Posted 12 years ago

you can have donic acuda s1 turbo

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Orr,

Thanks for the suggestion.  

Can you send me a contact us message with your correct email address.  We have problems getting emails through to you.  Thanks.

Izzy H

Izzy H Posted 12 years ago

Well Hi everyone (:

I tried a few rubbers Saturday and I made my choice. I bought Bluefire M2 2.0(FH)  and Hexer HD max(BH) I played against a robot yesterday and I really like them! My backhand rubber is a lot faster and spinier now which I wanted and the Bluefire rubber also is really nice. 
The Bluefire M1 was a little bit too fast for me, the ball kept going too high and over the table, so I decided to go with the M2. The Bluefire rubbers have a long dwell time which give it much control and a lot of spin. You can also play a really hard open smash.

I'll do a 2,5 hours training session tomorrow and a 1 hour training session Friday and then it's match-day Saturday, I'll let you now if I still like my new rubbers after having played a bit more with them.

Aasim Showkat

Aasim Showkat Posted 12 years ago

Take a look at joola phenix

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