Broken finger and table tennis


Nikolas Fantocone
Nikolas Fantocone Asked 10 years ago

Hi Alois!  I fractured my finger a week ago, and I was wondering if you knew how long it would take before I "should" go back to playing again.  I tried it a little last night after you answered my question on "best serve", and it felt about 75%.  Sorry for the different question!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Nikolas,

Not sure on this one.  I think a doctor may be better qualifies to tell you.  It is difficult with a broken finger because you use it so much when playing.  Pain is probably one indicator that you can use.

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Long Returns

By throwing in some long returns you will keep your opponent off balance so when you do return the ball short they can't just be standing there waiting for it. But your long serve needs to be effective so they can't attack it too strongly. Watch this master class to find out all the important information about returning long.

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Thoughts on this question

Işıtan Yıldız

Işıtan Yıldız Posted 10 years ago

I recently broke two of my fingers and started playing again after 9 days. The doctor said I should have waited at least twice as long as that. So I guess you should wait at least 18 days and a bit longer would be better. You should still ask a doctor, since there would be differences between injuries.

Nikolas Fantocone

Nikolas Fantocone Posted 10 years ago

Thanks.  He said 2 weeks of no right hand, but I went a little early!  :)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Be careful!  There is always time to play when it gets better.

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