Your serving videos are excellent and the spinning results are quite evident but I do not see fine brushing. It seems the bat contacts the ball quite solidly and even sounds solid with a "clunk". When I practice and get a real fine brush ( hopefully with quick wrist movement ) there is little sound and not much spin. Can you brush too finely? With continued practice does all this start to eventually improve or do some players never really get it?
Is it common for it to take thousands of practice serves to start to master some of these techniques?
Hi Jerry,
Firstly with practice, yes it will definitely improve.
You are right, you can brush it too finely and not get enough bite on the ball. So the idea with practice is to find the right balance to get a good brushing action. If you brush it too finely the ball will not travel anywhere. With too flat a contact the ball will go a long way but not have any spin. It is a bit of a compromise to get it somewhere in the middle to get the ball to travel fast enough and still get a brushing action on the ball.
Learn some strategies for disguising the spin, speed, and placement of your serves!
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