Butterfly Sriver FX vs Yasaka Mark V Ad


Erriza Shalahuddin
Erriza Shalahuddin Asked 12 years ago

Hi, coach.

Recently, I replaced my worn out forehand rubber (DHS Skyline TG 3) with new rubber (Yasaka Mark V Ad). Now my combination is Yasaka Mark V Ad and Butterfly Sriver FX. From what I've read, both rubbers have almost identical characteristics

My question is what are the differences between those rubbers and which rubber I should use for forehand/backhand

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Erriza,

You are right they are both very similar.  If I were you I would try both rubbers on both sides for a week or two and then decide which feels like a better combination.  It really won't make a big difference, it is just what feels more comfortable for you.

Once you have made the decision after a week, you are not allowed to change from then on.  If you do, you will just start to make it more difficult for yourself.

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Thoughts on this question

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 12 years ago

Thank you for your quick answer, coach.

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