Buying a domestic table tennis table


Hector eTOR
Hector eTOR Asked 8 years ago

The Question is:

What I should look for in a table tennis table? 

hardness, weigth, color, material, brand?

I want it for a indoor use, in my own training, and an ocassional game with friends. 


Hector Molina

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Hector,

The main things to look for in a Table Tennis table are:

1. Thickness of the top - the thicker the better.  It will have better consistency of bounce.

2. Portability - what are the wheel like?  Are they big and sturdy.  If the table easy to pack up.

3. Storage - How small does it fold up to for storage.

I think the thickness is important for everyone.  Buy the thickest top your budget will get you.  The portability and storage depend on your own needs.  If you need to put it up regularly then this portability is important.  If your storage area is minimal then the storage size can be critical.


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Thoughts on this question

Nicolas Matthew

Nicolas Matthew Posted 8 years ago

If you are not tight on budget try to find a 20-25 mm top table tennis table. The 25 one can be quite expensive but buying a used one with great condition won't hurt. If you are tight on budget at least try to find an 18 mm top table tennis table, below 18 mm the bounce of the ball is really bad and the ball might warp with cheap table. Make sure its a normal sized table top with strong legs and easy to fold up in case it takes up space. 

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