Can I became a professional table tennis player


Federico Márquez
Federico Márquez Asked 12 years ago

I live in Mexico, i have 12 years and i want to be a professional table tennis player. But in my country it isn't table tennis club's and i dont have table to practice, and well my question is this, can i became a professional table tennis player?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Federico,

You certainly can with a lot of determination and a love for the sport.

There are clubs in Spain.  Take a look through this website for the Spanish Association and it may help you,

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Sometimes it can seem like a player can do everything. When this is the case you need to find their weakest area and try to expose it as much as you can.

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Thoughts on this question

ralph valdez

ralph valdez Posted 11 years ago

i'll never forget your advice,thank you very match

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