Can I become a table tennis star?


Atanas Atanasov
Atanas Atanasov Asked 13 years ago


I'm 12 years old and I started training table tennis 6 months ago. I learn the forehand and backhand counterhit, my pushes and my forehand topspin. Can I become a table tennis star if I practice 3 times a week.                                      


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Nasko,

It is greta that you are training so consistently.  At your age keep focusing on getting the strokes correct.  With time you will improve.  How god you get will depend on how long you keep playing the game and how well you train.

It is possible for you to become a star. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Serving - Sidespin vs Topspin

Deceive your opponent with slight variations of your serves. This master class focuses on the sidespin pendulum serve and the topspin pendulum serve. Learn how to make these 2 serves a real weapon for you.

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Thoughts on this question

Atanas Atanasov

Atanas Atanasov Posted 13 years ago

Thank you! I'm happy that you answered me positive because I lost hopefulness of becoming a table tennis star because of my coach. He told me I play very well my strokes, I have got good footwork but I can't use them in a rally. Also in Bulgaria will be very hard for me to beat lots of children on my age cuz they were practising more than me. And also table tennis players in Bulgaria don't earn enough money.

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