Can You Recommend a Table Tennis Bat


robbie Unknown
robbie Unknown Asked 16 years ago

hello, would you say the cornilleau tacteo 60 table tennis bat is good bat to by for a beginner/intermediate player? thanks :)

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 16 years ago

Hi Robbie,

I've never heard of the cornilleau tacteo 60 table tennis bat before but after doing a quick search on the internet, I don't think this looks like a good bat for serious Table Tennis. It doesn't look like it has a decent rubber on it to generate any spin. And from the sounds of it, it is designed to be indestructible so you can leave it outside. A proper rubber requires good care and you should never leave it outside.

If you are serious about improving your Table Tennis, then you need to get yourself a bat from a reputable brand like Yasaka, Stiga, Butterfly or Joola to name a few.

We currently sell some pre-made stiga bats in our online store. These are ideal as a first bat for someone developing their game. If you are after something even better or looking to upgrade to a second bat, then you should look at a custom bat where you purchase the blade and rubbers separately. This allows you to change the rubbers when they wear out without needing a new blade.

For a good custom made bat you cannot go wrong with a fairly controlled blade with either Mark V or Sriver. These rubbers have been sold for decades and allow a player to develop their game without having to worry about equipment.

Over the next month we will be adding more and more equipment to our online store so make sure you keep an eye out, I'm sure we will have something to suit your game.

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