Carbon ply Tamca 5000 kumpuru fl


Anilkumar Bhaskaran
Anilkumar Bhaskaran Asked 10 years ago

Hi Sirs.

i used to play with stiga all round classic winner with sriver fx on both sides. I have now replaced bh with rakza 7 soft. Good control and heavy spin on bh and finishing with fh.

A friend has gifted me the kumpuru carbon ply. I intend to use catapult on fh and tsp triple spin on bh. My game is more bh centric as I have a decently good variety of bh strokes. Is this the correct rubber for fh.

please guide.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Anilkumar,

Catapult is a good quality rubber but whether it is right for you, I am not sure.  Rubber is a very personal thing but I don't think it makes a big difference to performance.

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Thoughts on this question

Anilkumar Bhaskaran

Anilkumar Bhaskaran Posted 10 years ago

Thanks sir for the prompt reply. Since I have been accustomed to playing with the all wood stigma ply will the carbon ply reduce my bh spin ability. I depend a lot on my bh.  The tsp triple spin and rakza 7 soft help me a lot with the all wood ply. Will the carbon ply increase or decrease the spin Without compromising on the control sir.

i do look at your bh guide videos and have increased my consistency and spin. You are doing a great job. By the way am 53 years old and play the veterans in Mumbai, India.

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