Celluloid and plastic balls


Abhishek Joseph
Abhishek Joseph Asked 8 years ago

Hi Coach,

What do you think are the best plastic and celluloid balls? What I mean is, which brand(s) do you recommend? Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Abhishek,

I think in the Celluloid balls the Nittaku are the best.

In the Plastic I have heard the Nittaku Premium are really good.  I also don't mind the Butterfly ball and the DHS.  I haven't used a lot of them.  I think a lot of them are getting to a good quality now.

Hopefully others will have advice on this.

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Thoughts on this question

Ernest Wahyu

Ernest Wahyu Posted 8 years ago

I read in other forum that there are 2 kinds of plastic balls :

  1. The first one is called "Seamed Ball" which has seam on the center of the ball . For the seamed ball some people said that Nittaku is the best. Other seamed balls is good, but not as good as Nittaku, because they tend to break faster.
  2. The other one is called "Seamless Ball" which has no seam on it. I haven't tried them yet, but hopefully I can try them on the next weekend. But people said that they more similar to celluloid balls. Also they don't break easily. Xu Shaofa, Kingnik are example of the manufacturers of this Seamless ball.

Hope this informations helps smile

Abhishek Joseph

Abhishek Joseph Posted 8 years ago

Okay, thanks a lot!


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