Change of style


Rutvik Thakkar
Rutvik Thakkar Asked 9 years ago


I have been playing since quite a long time (3 years) now but I haven't been able to succeed in any of the tournaments and win any laurel. I believe that by defensive playing style has caused me this failure. I am back now after a break of two months and I have started my regular practice but one question that has been teasing me is should now change my playing style and strategies and bring a revolution in my game (again learning from basics). With a new racquet and new tactic and strong determination can I achieve success? Please help me and guide me what should I do on every step.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Rutvik,

If you think that it would be better for you and you want to try the style then that is OK. It is important that you don’t change styles too often though.

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Thoughts on this question

Rutvik Thakkar

Rutvik Thakkar Posted 9 years ago

Sir can you please precisely tell me which style would be suitable for me after 3 years of defensive playing(completely changing to aggressive style or bringing in pimple on backhand and getting a very fast rubber on forehand hence mixing both the styles). And with it which racquet can come handy? And how shall I go after it shall I only focus on changing my mindset or shall I got back to the basics and bring perfection in my strokes and techniques? 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

It is too difficult to tell without watching you play.  You need to try for yourself and see what feels comfortable and then see what works for you in matches.

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