Changing hands


Allen Robson
Allen Robson Asked 9 years ago

I had a recent bicep injury and I'm going to have to stop playing with my right hand. On the plus side I am actually left handed and my F/H feels 100 % natural and smooth. How long do you think it would take for me to be competitive and do you have any tips on any training methods?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Allen,

Well done on moving forward.

I think just allow yourself time to adjust.  It is an advantage that you already have so much knowledge from playing with your right hand.

As far as how long it will take, I really can't tell.  Probably about a year or so depending on your level at the moment.

Let us know how you progress.

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Thoughts on this question

Allen Robson

Allen Robson Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Alois,

I think it will be a fun challenge and I'd love any advice from any other members who have changed hands for whatever reason.

I was thinking around a year myself and who knows I might even be better with my stronger hand.


Thanks again

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