Changing My Grip


Darrell Porter
Darrell Porter Asked 12 years ago

Hi, i have an unusal grip style. I have 4 fingers on the back of my bat, which seems to enhance my forehand control. However, when faced with a strong shot onto my backhand i tend to lose points by not changing my grip to the backhand in a quick enough time. Should i change my grip or should i keep to my 4 finger grip? Would like to hear from you again.


Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Darrell,

I would recommend that you change your grip. It might seem to enhance your forehand control but once you get used to the normal shakehand grip, you'll find you actually have more control. And as table tennis is such a fast game, you do need a good backhand and you don't have the time to be making such a big change when switching.

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