Changing Rubbers


utkarsh agarwal
utkarsh agarwal Asked 12 years ago


I'm vry confused of changing rubbers. Right now i use stag tec for my forehond and joola mambo for my backhand. i want to buy joola express. I was confused of that should I replace stag tec to joola express or i should make stag tec as my backhand rubber and joola express as my forehand rubber.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Utkarsh,

Why do you want to change to Joola Express?

When you are training and improving your strokes and technique, it's important to have some consistency with your equipment so you don't have to keep making small adjustments because of new equipment. If your happy with your current rubbers, then stick with them. If there is a good reason to switch, that is OK too. Let me know why and then that might help decide if it should go on your backhand or forehand.

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Thoughts on this question

utkarsh agarwal

utkarsh agarwal Posted 12 years ago

becase my fore hand rubber is cut from all sides and centre too


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Utkarsh,

That sounds like a reasonable reason to change.  If you are playing competitively and  it is effecting your play then change it.  If you aren't playing competitively or if the cuts are in a position that you don't usually hit the ball then you could still train with the old rubber.

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