Changing Sides


Oscar Moe Myint
Oscar Moe Myint Asked 6 years ago


1. In deciding game of singles, does first 5 points mean combination of points of two players?

After changing sides, who are the server and receiver?

2. In deciding games of doubles, after changing sides, who are the server and receiver?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Oscar,

The first 5 points is for one player.  So when one player gets to 5 points it is time to change ends in the deciding game.

In singles the serve and receiver follow the same pattern as before the change of ends.

In doubles the receivers change position.  So, whoever was supposed to receive the next point swaps with their partner and receives the next point.

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Thoughts on this question

Oscar Moe Myint

Oscar Moe Myint Posted 6 years ago

Thank you,Sir.

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