Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center


Ji-Soo Woo
Ji-Soo Woo Asked 16 years ago

Hi Alois

I think I asked you before about training camps overseas.  Since then, I have come accross this enticing website

I don't know whether I'll ever have the time and money to do this (or, more importantly, spousal permission), but was wondering whether you've heard of this centre before and whether it is legit.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Ji-Soo,

They contacted us and sent us some information on the centre.  As ar as I can tell it is legit, but I haven't had anyone go there.  maybe on e of our readers will be able to help out if they have attended the training centre.

A couple of players from Australia have attended other training centres in China and found them useful.

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Building Block 2: Link Your Table Tennis Strokes with Better Footwork

The second building block of table tennis is linking your strokes with set patterns. This step focuses on transitioning smoothly between strokes, as playing from a single position is very different from reacting after a previous shot.

At this stage, improving your footwork is essential to ensure you can consistently get into the correct position. By mastering this building block, you’ll develop better coordination, rhythm, and adaptability, allowing you to handle more dynamic gameplay with confidence.

To develop building block 2 you can utilise the following modules:


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