Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center


Abu Jaed
Abu Jaed Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

I am planning on joining the Center on January for one month. Any thoughts or advice on it?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Aboo,

I've never been there. Have any of our readers been? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#29 - Short Push Return

Do you want to win games? If so you must keep practicing your short push return of serve. This is one of the most critical shots in Table Tennis. The ability to execute this shot well will be the difference between you being an average player and a great player. It is that important. Make sure you go out and follow this session so that your short push becomes your secret weapon.

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Thoughts on this question


Oliver Posted 12 years ago

i think if you want to train with the team, they move around a lot and usually keep their locations private so it would be impossible to locate them. however, there are several clubs around so you can join them

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