Chinese vs. European loops


chip Phatak
chip Phatak Asked 14 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, a Chinese loop has more of a back swing, comes through the ball more, and relies on a tacky rubber while the European loop has more of a brushing action and starts lower.

My question is, what do you guys use? I'm guessing a European style because the lessons seem to show it that way.  I also want to know what loop some of the readers use. I think its an interesting census to take.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Chip,

I am not sure that the Chinese swing has more backswing but probably more of a horizontal backswing. 

The European swing has less of a brush than the Chinese swing.  The Chinese swing contacts the ball finer and uses the tackiness of the rubber. 

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Thoughts on this question

Mantas Pocius

Mantas Pocius Posted 14 years ago

Well, I also have recognised when reading in forums and watching players that european players use their hands and shoulderr more while chinese players use straight arm and waist (rotates a lot of).

Nathan S

Nathan S Posted 11 years ago

I use the chinese loop, where you use your shoulder more than the elbow, generates more power

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