Hi guys ,
I have just returned to playing after a 30 year gap.
When I was a junior I was fairly decent ( county ranked ) and played with Sriver.
Having recently returned to the game I bought a new bat - Petr Korbal OFF with Tenergy 05 FX on both sides.
I find that I lack control and touch with it.
Not only is it very fast but the ball seems to bounce off it.
I can loop well with it but have problems killing and "digging" the ball close to the table.
I have considered going back to Sriver but wonder whether there are any better modern rubbers ( Mark V or better ?) which will give touch, feel , control and spin with decent speed.
I attack on my forehand and block / counter on my backhand.
Thanks in advance, Nick
Hi Nick,
Good to hear you are back enjoying the game after 30 years.
I would go back to the Sriver. It is as good as any to start with. The Tenergy rubbers are very fast and especially if you haven’t played for a while you will find it really fast.
Keep the rubber when you take it off and you may find that after a while you are ready to move up again to the faster set up.
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nick foss Posted 9 years ago
Thanks very much for the prompt reply and advice which I think I will take .
Would you put the striver on the Petr Korbell OFF blade ( and retain the tenergy rubbers ) or on a spare blade which I have - Andro cell core which I think is an all round blade.
Re the striver I was going to get 2.1 for my forehand and 1.5/.7 for my backhand to give a bit more control. Any thoughts?
Thanks Nick
Since you have another blade then I would use that. Re the thicknesses I think you are on the right track. I think 1.7 on the BH would be thin enough and the 2.1 on the FH would give you enough spin and speed.