Choosing between rubbers


Elgin Voon
Elgin Voon Asked 9 years ago

Dear Pingskills,

Recently, my dad had just bought me a new Butterfly Viscaria blade that costs RM450 in Malaysia. Yes, it was pricey. On the other hand, the issue that i would like to ask is about my choice of rubbers, So far, I had been using Donic S1 for my forehand and Donic S3 for my backhand. My current blade is the Donic Ovtcharov blade. I havent ever used Tenergy and i had a thought to give it a try. Normally, for my forehand, I would like to focus on spin, control and a little bit of speed. For my backhand, I would like to focus more on block and control. According to my research and suggestions from others, for my forehand, i should use either Tenergy 05FX or Tenergy 05. I also heard that Tenergy 25 is great but it has lots of speed. Btw, for my backhand, some sources said that Tenergy 80 is good or, should i stick with my old Donic S3? I look forward to your suggestion and help. Thks

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Elgin,

Stay with the rubbers that you have now.  You will be able to reach a very high level with them.  The Tenergy rubbers are going to be a bit faster and harder to control.

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Thoughts on this question

Elgin Voon

Elgin Voon Posted 9 years ago

No, the thing is, the rubbers that I currently have now is almost "dead". Anyway, for Tenergy, do you have any suggestions or reccomendations? Or, is it fine to use Donic rubbers on a butterfly bat? I plan to use a full Butterfly equipment and this might be my first time. Tks

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

I would probably get new rubbers that are the same.  However, I am certainly not an equipment expert.  Others may be able to give you more advice.

Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 9 years ago

Changing your blade and your rubbers at the same time can be confusing. If you don't like the result, where does the problem come from? So if you were globally satisfied with your current rubbers, I would also suggest to use the same type on your new blade first. Get used to that, and if then you still think you need rubbers with more potential (and you can cope with less forgiveness), then you can think about getting something else.

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