hi sir,
i have been looking for a blade that suits my playing style and i don't know which to buy. my playing style is allround+ or offensive- i think because i like to play from half table and smash/loop to loop. and when it suits i am defending with backspin (like joo se hyuk). so do you know a blade that suits my playing style?
Hi Jakob,
If you take a look at a lot of the manufacturers, especially the popular ones, they will have a rating on their blades. I think getting something in the range you talked about would be ideal. I don't have a particular blade that I would recommend. The PingSkills Touch would also be an option.
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Marcus Anbau Posted 11 years ago
Really good defender blades you only get with custom blade makers imo. See here Bh is slower than fh
Charlie can make what ever you wish. So if that blade is yet too fast for you he can adjust it as you like. He just needs to adjust thickness as that mostly influences speed, followed by weight. You might say its expensive, but those guys building handmade blades surpase anything that is on the market imo.
Charlie got 40 years of building blades on his back;)