Chop or Lob or attack


mat huang
mat huang Asked 12 years ago

Hey Coaches

When someone is attacking you and you have little or no chance to defend it, should you lob or chop or just try to counterhit it


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Mat,

You need to judge this on each ball. The first option is to make a block  but if you don't have time you should move back and make a chop or a lob.  It always depends on the amount of time you have.

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Thoughts on this question

Ilia Minkin

Ilia Minkin Posted 9 years ago

I always wondered why do top attacking players always lob when they are forced to go back and never chop. They only use chop as a last resort kind of strock when the ball is is far below the table and theay are close to it.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Hi Ilia,

It is a good question. I think it's because most players are much more comfortable playing a lob rather than a chop, especially if they are already on the defensive and the opponent has hit the ball quite hard. It's hard to chop that kind of stroke especially if you're not a regular defender.

If you could do it though it would certainly pose more of a problem for your opponent.

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