Chopping slower balls


yong chen
yong chen Asked 13 years ago

hi how do i execute the forehand and backhand chop.i have the rough idea to do it but i duno how to react to weaker and less spinnier balls which is a bit like a dead it correct to chop it down for those spinny and powerful topspins?and how to i chop those balls tat have very little spin and lower speed topspins?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Yong,

For the slower or topspins with less spin you need to have a more forward motion with your chop to create the forward movement.  Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Chop where we show you this towards the end of the lesson.

If you need any other help on this just let me know. 

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