Chopping troubles


D K Asked 7 years ago

Hello Alois and Jeff,

Yesterday I found out a big problem with my chops.

I found out that instead of chopping it,I am rather carrying the ball on the bat,reducing spin.

I tried to increase the speed of the swing,but I am afraid of overshooting.

Also,i noticed that I place all balls to the middle. I tried to change it,but I kept sending the balls beside the table.

Any idea how could I correct these,noting that my coach does not want me to train chopping?


Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi DK,

I don't think it's reasonable to expect to improve an area of your game if you aren't able to practice it.

With regards to your current problems, are these things that just happened on a single day, or are they ongoing problems that you wish to improve? The first step in improving any skill is knowing what to work on so it's good you've identified some areas for improvement. It also sounds like you are on the right track by trying different things to rectify the problem.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 7 years ago

These werelong-term problem,I wasjust unable to identify them.

Though,my coach still wants me to use my longpips solely off-bounce,telling me that chopping is suicidal.

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