Cleaning rubbers with ...


Paul Unknown
Paul Unknown Asked 16 years ago

... Coke :)

My friend whom I regurlarly play table tennis with told me a story. He play with some very good player who basically tore him apart and after game he this player cleaned his rubber with coke. Of course he washed it off with water :) He told my friend that it has some sort of acid that helps cleaning the rubber. Sounds pretty stupid but I tried that! I washed the coke off completely and it actually made my rubber pretty tenacious (again not sticky :) ). Have you ever heard of this way of rubber treatment?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Pavel,

I haven't heard of it.  maybe others can help out here.  My immediate reaction would be that it is probably not good for the rubber in some way... but I am really not sure at all.

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In this video we will discuss the differences between Inverted and short pimple rubbers. We will also cover the advantages and disadvantages of short pimple rubbers. Some of the advantages are that the ball travels lower and flatter over the net and that having one rubber short pimple and one rubber inverted provides variety making it more difficult for your opponent.

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Thoughts on this question

Fred Unknown

Fred Unknown Posted 16 years ago

You should use plain water, there are a lot of theories out there like people using coke, alcohol (rubbing or not), detergeant, other cleaning product like googone or something but they only are a solution for short term and will reduce the life of the rubber as it will oxydize quicker and some even disolve layers of the topsheet.  Just do this: -Play with your rubber, after your done wash it off with ordinary water with a sponge or the back of you hand and push the water and dust away after, let it finish drying and put cling wrap on it to keep the tack and keep dust away.  Realy effective my rubber always plays like new.  The cling wrap it very important since it also keeps oxygen away so the rubber doesnt oxydise, at least not as quickly.

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 16 years ago

Yeah, I use water too (damp sponge) 

cling wrap...that's a new twist...

I've always used those overhead transparencies...

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