Climate Change


JoeMarie Buela
JoeMarie Buela Asked 12 years ago

Hi Pingskill Coaches,

I am Joe Marie, from the Philippines. I am currently playing in an open room.

One time I play there, then suddenly it rain. My bat suddenly not performing very well. I use short pips on my forehand and long pips on my backhand. It usually happens when raining and suddenly cold climate will approach..

By the way, what can I use in cleaning my pips? Is it advisable to use water?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi JoeMarie,

To clean short pimples you can use a bit of water but they don't really need a lot of cleaning.

I have also seen players using chalk on their short pimples.

If the weather gets humid, the rubber will often lose it's grip because a thin layer of moisture forms on the surface.  In this situation you need to keep your rubber dry.  Every few points wipe your rubber dry either with a towel or with a dry part of your shirt.

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Thoughts on this question

JoeMarie Buela

JoeMarie Buela Posted 12 years ago

What brand of chalk can I use?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

I don't really know.  It is just something that I saw a while ago.  If anyone else knows any more on this subject that would be good to share.

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