Close gap in table

Table Tennis Equipment

Last updated 6 years ago

Ivan Grimm

Ivan Grimm Asked 6 years ago

I know this isn't really a question for a coach but I can't find anything on line.

I have a a table that folds up for storage ( This one). The issue is when I set it up there is like an inch gap between the two halves and the two halves are not level. This forces me to put the net on just one of the two halves. We also have the same problem with the table in the office.

Is this a common issue? How do you fix it?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Ivan,

It will depend a bit on the table.  Sometimes there is a height adjustment on the legs that will help.

Otherwise it might be a matter of reassembling the table.

Others may have some ideas.

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Thoughts on this question

Rohan Keogh

Rohan Keogh Posted 6 years ago

Ivan, you aren't the only owner to suffer that issue. A quick search reveals some feedback on Amazon of similar experiences. It seems the measurements were not accurate in the instructions (could be a case of universal instructions for slightly different models).  The only fix is to return it, or disassemble and reassemble the table making adjustments to close the gap.  Good luck.

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