Coherent strokes to build competitive advantage


Gilbert Grenié
Gilbert Grenié Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois,

I've followed your advice of attacking long serves. After many weeks of risks and lost points, I am able now to attack most of the standard serves, long or half long, backspin or topspin, with a high or medium high top (forehand and even backhand) with a lot of rotation. It is surprisingly efficient, with a lot of gained points especially when  the top is well placed (backhand or in the elbow). This situation has obliged me to become more consistent in smashs, in order to finish the job properly.

Now I would like to know which strokes I should work on with the top priority, in order to complete in a coherent manner this existing strength of "high rotation tops" ?

Could you indicate to me a kind of "cocktail" of strokes that fit well and complete this emerging strength in order that I could achieve to emphasize this strength and have a better plan for my training sessions ?

Thank you,

Best regards,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Gilbert,

Good to see the stroke working.  It is great that you persevered through the errors.  I think this is such an important part of improvement that a lot of people never get through.

The next step is to play the 4th ball well.  This can also be tricky.  A lot of players will hit this ball long.  It is mainly due to the subtle change that you need to make to your stroke between the two.  Here is a lesson we have in our Master Classes that is made just for this situation.  Take a look at Forehand Followup.

It will show you what to do on the next ball after the forehand topspin against the serve or against backspin.

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