Colored rubbers


A E Asked 4 years ago

Hey Alois and Jeff!

I want to hear your opinion on colored rubbers coming to table tennis, how do you think it will affect the sport? And what are your overall thoughts about them?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Shaurya,

I guess it will liven up the look of the sport and add some interest.

I just hope that players don't start changing rubbers just for the sake of the colour.

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Thoughts on this question

Rajdeep Paul

Rajdeep Paul Posted 4 years ago

can anyone tell, when these will be available in Indian market, or international market...


A E Posted 4 years ago

Hello Rajdeep Paul

They are not available yet, I am pretty sure it will be coming after the Tokyo Olympics.

Once they are available I am sure manufacturers will start producing them.

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